The World's Largest McDonald's Big Mac Isn't Exactly Edible

In the Guinness Book of World Records, you won't see the Big Mac named as the world's largest commercially sold burger. That honor belongs to a beefy creation by Mallie's Sports Grill & Bar, a restaurant in Detroit, Michigan. Before it was eaten, the burger stood at three feet tall and had a width spanning five feet. However, this seemingly massive stature doesn't compare to the dimensions of the world's largest Big Mac, which is almost double in size at 14 feet high and 12 feet wide. But unlike the Guinness World Record holder, this hefty McDonald's burger is only a feast for the eyes, not the stomach.

The world's largest Big Mac may look realistic, but it's actually just a statue. It's on display in the PlayPlace area of a McDonald's in North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, where it has sat since 2007 when the restaurant was turned into the Big Mac Museum. The only Big Mac you can eat there is the standard-size one from the menu.

Visiting the world's largest Big Mac

If you don't know anything about the history of McDonald's or the Big Mac, North Huntingdon, PA probably seems like a random place to put the world's largest one. But the truth is, it couldn't be more fitting. The former owner of the McDonald's that's now home to the Big Mac Museum and the world's largest Big Mac was none other than Jim Delligatti, who invented the famed burger back in 1967.

While many McDonald's fans make the journey to North Huntingdon to visit it, reviews on TripAdvisor make it seem like the "museum" is more of a small exhibit. Aside from a handful of Big Mac memorabilia, it is no different from any other McDonald's, patrons report. The most impressive part is the Big Mac statue, which you can only see by going inside, as the surrounding windows are tinted. Luckily it's free to go in if all you want to do is snap a picture with the Big Mac.

A taste of the world's largest Big Mac

If you don't want to settle for a standard sized Big Mac, the good news is it is possible to enjoy a larger one — just don't expect it to be 14 feet tall. In Alaska, McDonald's locations offer a Denali Big Mac, which is named after the largest mountain in the U.S. The Denali Big Mac is made exactly like any other Big Mac but has larger, quarter-pound beef patties instead. While it isn't on the official menu at any other McDonald's locations, you can technically get a bigger Big Mac by ordering one and asking to substitute the patties from the Quarter Pounder.

As many McDonald's fans have already proven, you can also make your own edible version of the world's largest Big Mac at home. Since McDonald's has publicly shared what goes into both the Big Mac and Big Mac sauce, the biggest challenge is finding a pan that's big enough. Whether in Alaska or at home, getting a taste of the world's largest Big Mac is just a patty substitution or a creative cooking adventure away.