The Simple Storage Tip To Keep Poached Eggs Super Fresh

Poached eggs are divine, especially when drizzled with hollandaise sauce for a classic eggs benedict or perched atop a perfectly toasted piece of bread. But ask any chef who's worked a brunch rush and they'll tell you that whipping up poached egg after poached egg takes time and can quickly become a headache. If you need to make poached eggs for a group, doing it one by one is simply not the most efficient way.

Luckily, there is a way to store poached eggs so you can make them in a batch ahead of time and keep them from drying out in the open air. Simply place your poached eggs in cold water and refrigerate them; the water will keep them moist. To reheat, simply transfer them to some warm water for a few minutes to heat them back up. (If you don't need to store the eggs for that long, you can also put them directly into a warm water bath to keep them from losing heat.)

How to poach an egg properly

Poaching eggs might seem intimidating, but with a little practice, it's very simple to get a perfect egg every time. The standard way to poach an egg is to get a pot of water simmering, then crack an egg into a small bowl or ramekin. (Some cooks strain off the more watery parts of the egg white first, but this is optional.) Stir the water using a long spoon so a small whirlpool forms in the center of the pot. Drop the egg into the center, then cook the egg for three minutes. Finally, use a slotted spoon to remove the egg.

There are plenty of variations on this technique, including covering the pot and turning the heat off instead of letting it continue to simmer, or adding a bit of vinegar to the water, which is said to help the egg hold its shape. Other hacks to make poaching easier involve wrapping the egg in a plastic wrap pouch before poaching, poaching the egg in a mesh strainer in the pot, or even cooking the eggs in ramekins or muffin tins in the oven with a little bit of water on top.

How to serve poached eggs

Though a good eggs benedict is the classic use for poached eggs, there are plenty of other ways to eat these soft, yolky delicacies. Poached eggs go particularly well on salads, especially grain salads; the yolk coats the greens and grains, soaking in and adding warm, rich flavor throughout. Grilled or roasted asparagus is another classic application; the flavor combination of earthy asparagus and silky egg yolk simply works wonders.

A poached egg can also top yogurt or oatmeal, turning traditionally sweet breakfasts into savory treats. They also go well with polenta, or simply seated atop a piece of good, buttery, crusty toast. As long as there's something to sop up that yolk, you'll be good to go.

And if you have any leftover poached eggs? They can be saved in the same way as the pre-prepared poached eggs: Just pop them into cold water and store them in the fridge until you're ready to use them later.