The Healthiest Way To Make Your Daily Smoothie More Filling

Getting your nutrition on the go can be a struggle. Enter smoothies: They are a great way to pack in nutrients and flavor without slowing down your daily routine. Homemade smoothies can not only provide the right building blocks to fuel your body but also contain a medley of fruits, vegetables, and other nutritious ingredients in an easy-to-drink format. The downside? They often don't fill you up very well. According to Nutrition Research and Practice, foods with a high sugar content can cause fluctuations in blood sugar and may leave you feeling hungry again sooner than you'd like. 

Luckily, it's easy to bulk up your morning smoothie with a few additions to make it more filling and satisfying. Per NBC News, one of the quickest ways to do this is to add a dollop of plant-based fats. Fats in the form of nut butter (like peanut butter or almond butter), fresh avocado, and seeds (such as flax, hemp, or chia) all add satisfying protein and fat that will give you all-day energy and leave your stomach satisfied until your next meal. However, be sure to include them in moderation, as these ingredients can also be high in calories.

The perfect smoothie combines fats, fiber, and protein

A surefire way to promote fullness is to combine the powers of protein, fats, and fiber. Each of these nutrients works differently to satisfy hunger pangs and cravings. According to InfoFit, fats suppress appetite and release hormones that produce feelings of satiety, fiber fills the stomach and helps to regulate the release of insulin, and protein reduces blood sugar and, as a result, hunger.

Types of nut butter and seeds contain protein and fat, making them excellent smoothie ingredient candidates. Full-fat Greek yogurt and cottage cheese will also fit the bill. If you're trying to avoid dairy products, you can use silken tofu as an easy substitute.  

As for fiber, one good way to get it into your smoothie is to blend in grains. Most people do this by blending oats into their smoothies. Either rolled or quick oats will work for this: Pour up to ¼-cup of oats into your blender along with your other smoothie ingredients and blend.

The benefits of healthy fats

It has gradually become common knowledge that fat isn't the enemy of a well-balanced diet. Though diet culture has historically ushered in fat-free or low-fat lifestyles, fats are an essential macronutrient that plays several roles in the body, from providing energy to helping with nutrient absorption, according to Harvard Medical School

However, the type of fats you consume is something to consider. There are three main types of fats — and one is better for your body than the other two. Saturated fats, especially trans fats, tend to have more negative impacts than positive ones. Unsaturated fats are the type you should be aiming to include in your diet. This is the same type found in peanut butter, nuts, avocados, seeds, and fish like salmon and trout.

All these ingredients provide additional nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. In addition to increasing satiation, they're good for you! If added in moderation, they create the perfect way to ensure your smoothie nourishes you until lunchtime.