2 Tricks For Making The Softest Burger Buns Possible

It's true the best burger recipes are only as good as their patty, but don't discount the importance of the supporting cast such as the condiments and toppings — and especially the buns. Soft, plush burger buns make all the difference when it comes to an enjoyable burger; bread that's too hard, too stale, or otherwise less than perfect can bring down an otherwise perfectly delicious burger. Crunch has its place, but nobody wants a crunchy burger bun!

Sure, you could buy buns from the store to get that soft, perfect texture without any effort at all. But if you're dedicated to making your own homemade potato buns for your burgers, there are a few rules of thumb to ensure your final product shines. Adding fat to your dough, as well as brushing the top of your buns with milk before baking, will leave them the perfect texture for housing your burger patties.

The importance of fat when making homemade buns

Making a good burger bun is all in the dough. Flour selection is important, but it's not the only variable: Every ingredient plays a distinct and important role. One of the best ways to get a fluffy bun or loaf of bread is to add fat into the dough — this can be in the form of butter, oil, or whatever fat you prefer. Fat molecules get in the way of the formation of gluten by coating protein strands. This is why fat-enriched breads such as brioche and challah are so fluffy and soft.

You can also add dairy or sugar into your dough for a similar effect. Dairy tends to also contain fat, producing the same effect. Sugar, on the other hand, binds with water rather than protein when inhibiting the gluten formation. Keep in mind that sugar can make your buns a bit sweet, but if you're okay with that, a few teaspoons can make a big difference.

Brushing dough for a soft crust

Before those buns hit the oven, there's one last step you can take to ensure ultimate softness: Brush them! Coating the surface of each bun with a little liquid not only helps keep the dough beneath hydrated, but it also can help achieve a nice golden brown color on top.

Use some melted butter, a whisked egg, or milk to coat the buns; using a pastry brush always works well to distribute the liquids evenly. This is a process known as "dorure" in French: the act of coating dough in something that will help it achieve a beautiful, moist, and golden final product.

As always, remember to bake your buns according to your recipe's specifications and check often to prevent burning. Let cool completely before slicing, and use as soon as possible to ensure optimal freshness. Combine that with the best burger patties, and your burgers will never have tasted better.