Kraft Is Rolling Out Brand-New Plant-Based Cheese In Time For July 4

Get ready to fire up the grill for this year's Independence Day celebration because The Kraft Heinz Not Company, a joint venture between Kraft Heinz and NotCo, is about to revolutionize the grilling game for vegans and health-conscious Americans nationwide (and, no, we're not talking about the delicious Kraft cheese-topped apple pie). With the launch of its new Kraft NotCheese Slices, you can now indulge in a sustainable alternative to traditional cheese singles.

According to the brand's press release, the slices' texture is creamy, and their dairy-like consistency makes them almost indistinguishable from their animal-based counterparts while ensuring they melt atop an American-style hamburger patty all the same. For individuals trying to make a transition, this could be the perfect opportunity to experiment, creating new, healthier habits without sacrificing flavor.

It's currently unclear which retailers will stock up on the NotCheese Slices, but the plant-based product is set to hit store shelves before July 4. Expect to see three flavors: provolone, cheddar, and American. Each is made from vegan-friendly ingredients like chickpea and coconut oil. For the health-conscious eaters out there, they're also free of artificial flavors and dyes (unlike regular Kraft cheese). With sustainability in mind, Kraft NotCheese Slices offer a convenient and guilt-free way to indulge in cheesy goodness during summertime gatherings.

Consumers want plant-based cheese alternatives

As the demand for plant-based alternatives continues to rise, it's no surprise that cheese is at the forefront of the movement. With more consumers seeking meat-free options, the need for better, more delicious plant-based cheese products is more crucial than ever. According to Kraft's press release, almost half of all shoppers are unsatisfied with the flavor, availability, texture, and range of choices when it comes to non-dairy cheese products. This was the fuel behind the creation of Kraft NotCheese Slices.

According to one market study, 2022 market predictions showed that "the dairy alternatives segment is expected to account for the largest share of the plant-based food market." This seemed to be echoed in Kraft's press release, which states, "Plant-based food growth has been exploding, exceeding total food sales growth by 3X." However, plant-based cheese remains a small player in the market, with only a 2% penetration. This disappointing statistic highlights the importance of product innovation and improvement. Kraft's new NotCheese Slices could change this. 

As we gear up for Fourth of July festivities, there's no better time to incorporate delicious plant-based slices into your spread. Embrace the spirit of the holiday by trying out Kraft's brand-new plant-based cheese, which promises to deliver the irresistible taste, texture, and variety that has previously been lacking in the category.