13 Great Meatball Dishes

Why do we love meatballs? Could it be the visceral appeal of rolling the tiny rounds of meat together with our hands? Or do we love them because each culture has its own version?  Whatever your special meatball recipe, the meaty rounds bring warmth and heartiness to any dinner table — a quality that we all love.

Click here to see 13 Great Meatball Dishes (Slideshow) 

With so many variations of meatballs and meatball dishes, we decided it would be the ideal theme for this week's SWAT (Sharing with a Theme). We put the Culinary Content Network and our staff to the test to come up with great meatball dishes. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Christine Carlisle of Chew Nibble Nosh offered up an inspired take on traditional meatballs with a Greek meatball and lemon couscous recipe. Carlisle is a member of the Culinary Content Network.
  • Michelle Sandstrom of Feed Me I'm Hungry submitted a delicious recipe featuring meatballs stuffed with cheese and pesto. Sandstrom is a member of the Culinary Content Network.
  • This week's winner is Nazneen of Coffee and Crumpets for her unique and interpretation of the meatball. Her recipe interpreted meatballs in the Indian culinary tradition by making them Indian-style in a masala sauce.

All of the recipes featured can be made at home for about $20 or less, excluding the cost of small amounts of basic ingredients such as butter, oil, flour, sugar, salt, pepper, and other dried herbs and spices.

Emily Jacobs is the Recipe editor at Today Meal. Follow her on Twitter @EmilyRecipes.