Soak Pineapple In Rum For A Refreshingly Simple Boozy Treat

Nothing says hello to summer like pineapple and rum. An iconic Caribbean combination that dates back to the 1700s, the pineapple was originally added to barrels of rum to infuse the spirit with a subtle hint of sweetness. We now see the duo in our creamy piña coladas, powerful punch bowls, and Malibu sunset glasses. It's juicy, it's boozy, and it's seriously fruity. While it may seem like this supreme coupling can't be matched, we've got a twist you may not have considered.

That's right, instead of crushing, juicing, or manipulating pineapple to fit the rum, why not keep it in snackable form to create a simple boozy treat that will set any summer event on fire? Not literal fire — there are no flames involved in this easy, refreshing snack. With the preparation taking as little as 10 minutes, what are you waiting for? Choose the best pineapple from your local store and let's get started.

The appropriate pineapple rum conditions

Soaking pineapple in rum is simple and easy. Start by slicing your pineapple with one of the two optimal methods, so you can achieve the best results. You want it to be in small chunks that'll be light enough to pick up with a toothpick. Then evenly space the chunks in a large, flat tray. You want all the pieces to have as much chance to soak up the rum as possible. If you don't have a tray or flat dish, you can put them inside a glass container or jar. However, you may need more rum to ensure they are covered.

Depending on what else you want to add to the pineapple, mix the ingredient in question with the rum first, before pouring the mixture into a tray or jar and covering it. You can always experiment by adding a little cinnamon or vanilla! This mixture then goes into your refrigerator for at least 12 hours. You do not want to soak the pineapple for longer than 24 hours, as it will start to lose its crunchy texture. Once you're ready to serve, pour out the rum liquid (you can reserve this for drinks), and add the chunks to a bowl. You've now got the essence of a summer shot in a bite-sized shape.

Where has all the rum gone?

The only question you might have left is which rum is best to use. Generally, for a lighter, flavorful snack, consider using coconut-flavored rum or liqueur (like Malibu), or mix coconut cream into silver rum. Slightly sweet, it's packed with warm, creamy flavors that will immediately transport you to that faraway sandy beach. This mix will also give you serious piña colada vibes!

If you're contemplating using a dark or spiced rum, we'd say the world is your oyster. Just keep in mind that Malibu liqueur has a much lower ABV% than rum, so expect a much stronger kick if you choose rum with no added sugar. If you think an aged rum could bring a rich depth of flavor to your pineapple snack, we'd say don't worry too much about the age labels on rum bottles. These labels can be misleading indicators of the blend within the rum, rather than true reflections of its flavor profile. We recommend trying a number of rums and just seeing which one you really prefer. Yep, just like Captain Jack Sparrow, this recipe will have you questioning, "Where has all the rum gone?" Well, it's in that glorious pineapple you just soaked.