Ran Out Of Eggs For French Toast? Just Use Yogurt

French toast is one of those great breakfasts to whip up on a Sunday morning to enjoy with a nice cup of coffee, and while the exact origins of this classic breakfast food is unclear, it is believed to have been invented in medieval Europe as a way to use up stale bread. French toast is made by soaking slices of bread in a mixture of beaten eggs and milk, then frying them until golden brown, but you can also make this classic breakfast food in the oven, on a grill, or even in an air fryer for when you want your French toast on your plate faster.

Aside from the way you cook the French toast, there are variations on how you can make the mixture for it. For example, if you happen to run out of eggs, or if you can't have eggs due to dietary restrictions, there are other ways to make great French toast. One great ingredient to substitute for eggs is cheap, easy to find, and probably something you already have in your refrigerator.

French toast flavor variations

While eggs are commonly used in French toast recipes, you can use yogurt in replace of the eggs to make French toast. All you do is mix 8 ounces of vanilla yogurt, a splash of milk, a pinch of salt, and a dash or two of cinnamon. Whip it all together until it is thick, similar to a custard texture, then spread it on either side of the bread and cook it in whatever method you choose. "This recipe is proof that there's nothing boring about having yogurt for breakfast," shared Danielle Deavens, entrepreneur, writer, and former magazine editor, via The Kitchn.

There are other variations that use mashed bananas or silken tofu, too. If you choose to use these or yogurt, though, you should keep in mind that the flavor and texture of the French toast may be slightly different than what you get when you use eggs. You can also add other things to your mixture, such as almond extract or spices, like nutmeg or pumpkin pie spice, to change up the flavor profile of your French toast.

Making healthier French toast

Aside from using yogurt in place of eggs, there are other ways you can change up your French toast, especially if you want to create a healthier dish. For example, instead of white bread, you can opt for whole-grain bread, which is higher in fiber and more nutrient-dense, or even use gluten-free bread. Substitute cow's milk with non-dairy milk like almond, soy, or oat milk for a lower-fat option, and you could use less sugar in the mixture or substitute with natural sweeteners like stevia to cut back on calories. 

However, to cut down on fat, cook your French toast in a pan coated with cooking spray and skip the butter. To dress up your meal with some healthy options, you can serve fresh fruit on top of the French toast, then drizzle it all with honey instead of maple syrup. By making these simple substitutions, you can enjoy a healthier and more nutritious French toast without sacrificing taste.