Hidden Valley Is Releasing Ranch-Flavored Ice Cream To Celebrate National Ranch Day

We've all heard of fusion cuisine, which blends various culinary fares from different cultures. Now, there's an emerging trend called "chaos" cooking and TikTok is fueling this phenomenon. Chaos cooking, simply put, is whipping up a cohesive dish that uses unconventional ingredients. Or as Eater puts it, the "chaotic cousin" of fusion cooking.

Ice cream is no stranger to marrying different flavors and ingredients together. In fact, major ice cream brands have collaborated with celebrities and other companies in recent years to create unique flavors. Vermont-based ice cream company Ben & Jerry's is known for collaborating with well-known figures, such as Jimmy Fallon, Colin Kaepernick, and Stephen Colbert, usually for promoting social change.

Ice cream brand Van Leeuwen Ice Cream also has churned out unique flavors and collaborations as well. Brooklyn Magazine credits the brand as an ice cream flavor innovator. In the past, the company released a pizza-flavored ice cream, a mustard-flavored ice cream in collaboration with mustard brand Grey Poupon, and Kraft's mac n' cheese-flavored ice cream. Van Leeuwen recently launched an ice cream flavor inspired by the Netflix movie "Glass Onion," featuring Greek yogurt, honeycomb candy, and, of course, caramelized onion jam. If you're craving a savory-sweet treat, this latest collaboration between Van Leeuwen and a popular condiment may be the dessert of your dreams.

Hidden Valley Ranch ice cream is only available at Walmart

In honor of National Ranch Day, March 10, Hidden Valley is partnering with ice cream brand Van Leeuwen to create ranch-flavored ice cream. According to a press release obtained by Today Meal, the Hidden Valley Ranch ice cream flavor is a fusion between ranch flavor and ice cream. The flavor is described as a blend of savory and sweet, featuring ingredients like buttermilk and herbs.

Rachel Garrison, Associate Director at Hidden Valley, states, "We know that Hidden Valley Ranch goes with just about everything – pizza, carrots, French fries – but ice cream is a first for us." She goes on to suggest pairing the ice cream with a salty snack, such as pretzels or potato chips.

The Hidden Valley Ranch ice cream flavor is part of Van Leeuwen's new spring lineup, including Sweet Maple Cornbread, Blood Orange Chocolate Chip, Carrot Cake, Strawberry Shortcake, Honey Graham Cracker, and Limoncello Cake. You don't want to wait too long to try the flavor. The ranch-flavored ice cream and other new flavors will be solely available at 3,500 Walmart locations for a limited time from March 20 until May 8. All flavors will retail for $4.98.