Starbucks Was Ironically Still Union Busting While Literally On Trial

Starbucks has been in the midst of strikes and union discussions for a while now as employees of the coffee chain continue to fight for better workplace practices, via Forbes. Over 250 stores have successfully unionized since late 2021, and employees of those locations now see the benefits of better scheduling, fair treatment, and protection from unfair dismissals. The movement even has a website called Starbucks Workers United, which details its mission and objectives.

However, Starbucks disagrees with the movement. NPR reports that the company believes it already provides employees with enough benefits through health care, college tuition assistance, and competitive wages. The CEO even adjusted the sick time accrual for employees and, most recently, introduced credit card tipping, so baristas could earn even more while on the clock — though these are only available at non-union stores, per NPR. These benefits might entice employees, but they do not offer the same security as a union.

Starbucks is already on trial

According to an email sent to Today Meal, Starbucks violated federal law by seeking union documents. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued a complaint against the coffee chain on Monday, December 19, in response to this violation. This violation is ironic because it comes about as Starbucks is already on trial for breaking another law.

The email states that Starbucks issued subpoenas for the Union and 21 people who had testified in the Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) trial. These subpoenas included requests for all correspondence between media outlets and union organizers, perhaps in an attempt to break the union movement. This information is protected by law.

The complaint aims to achieve consequential damages for the violations by Starbucks. An attorney for the Union stated that Starbucks has continued to violate federal law during its prosecution. The Union hopes the NLRB complaint will further union progress in achieving protections and benefits for all employees at Starbucks locations.