The Ice Cream Hack To Use Up Your Last Scraps Of Peanut Butter

By the end of each year, the U.S. crunches its way through an astonishing amount of peanut butter — enough to comfortably cover the bottom of the Grand Canyon, to be exact (per The National Peanut Board). However, the United States of peanut butter lovers isn't fully unlocking its PB consumption potential. While an average 16-ounce jar of Jif peanut butter offers 14 two-tablespoon servings per container (per Walmart), we all know we're not scooping out every single morsel of the spread. No — there are always the nefarious last bits of peanut butter that seem to be destined to stay eternally stuck to the bottom of your jar.

However, if you have long grieved over wasted PB, you, of all people, need to know there is a way to make sure that no spoonful of peanut butter goes uneaten. As a matter of fact, you can save your final scraps of PB from the trash can by transforming it into another beloved American treat — ice cream. Here's the TikTok trick that will turn your last bits of peanut butter into a delectable frozen snack.

Make sure no PB is left behind with this ice cream trick

If you're already familiar with making homemade mason jar ice cream, this PB hack will be a breeze. As Delish shared on TikTok, you'll need to have heavy cream on hand to make this delicious treat. However, instead of shaking your soon-to-be snack in a mason jar you'll, of course, be using your nearly empty jar of peanut butter. You won't need a ton of ingredients, though the video does suggest using powdered sugar to sweeten the treat.

According to the video, all you need to do to whip up PB ice cream is to pour a little over half of your heavy whipping cream into your peanut butter jar. Then, you should forcefully shake the container, the video even recommends that you "break out your cocktail shaking skills," until your cream and leftover peanut butter solidifies. After that, mix in the powdered sugar. Of course, if you're a true peanut butter fanatic, you may be tempted to eat the treat right away. However, there are a few other steps you can take to get this dessert to taste its best.

How to make your homemade ice cream taste like PB heaven

While this homemade PB ice cream is delicious on its own, you can make it an even more delectable treat by adding extra ingredients. Thi TikTok video shows chocolate chips being thrown into the leftover peanut butter jar, but another TikToker used honey to add some extra flavor to their ice cream. And yet another user even added condensed milk and pretzels to their PB treat for an extra thick and crunchy dessert.

According to these videos, you can also freeze your PB jar to make the dessert even more ice cream-like. If you like soft-serve, you should leave your peanut butter jar in the freezer for around three hours to give it a creamy texture. And if you're a hard ice cream fanatic, leaving it to freeze throughout the night will give it a consistency​​ on par with a pint of Ben & Jerry's. Once you get the treat to your desired texture, the once slippery final scoops of PB will no longer be able to escape your mouth.