10 Ways To Serve Caprese Salad

Caprese salad often makes many appearances during the summer months. Fresh and delicious, it's the perfect way to celebrate the warmer months, as it requires ingredients that are in their prime like tomatoes and basil. Even better, a true caprese only has five ingredients:  mozzarella, tomatoes, basil, salt, and olive oil, so there are very few things to buy and prepare, making it a quick salad to throw together. Because of the ease in its preparation and beauty of its ingredients, it often finds its way onto your summer dinner table, time and time again.

Click here to see 10 Ways to Serve Caprese Salad

Come mid-July, though, the caprese salad you continue to serve at your dinner parties can start looking a little old. While there is truly no need to do more to it, seeing the same salad over and over again can become tiring, no matter how delicious it tastes. Caprese salad doesn't have to go away forever, but maybe it's time to think of some new ways of serving it.

So, how do you capture the beauty of the caprese salad while making it different? You'll see that by adding in a few ingredients, or by looking it at in a new light, like as a side dish rather than just a salad, a caprese can always find its way to your table. Like with this caprese rice salad, delicious served cold and easily put together with the three star ingredients: tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil. If you're looking for an easy weeknight meal, caprese English muffin pizzas will reinvent what you thought about the pizza bagel, and caprese "bites" come together in a snap. For something more elegant, try this recipe that includes another summer staple, grilled portobello mushrooms, to make beautiful caprese stacks, or this basic caprese salad that's been spruced up with a tomato granita.

Caprese salad should never be disinvited to your summer cookout, but it's important to give it a makeover from time to time. Take a look at these 10, easy recipes and keep the craze for caprese going strong. 

Anne Dolce is the Cook editor at Today Meal. Follow her on Twitter @anniecdolce