12 Things You Didn't Know About Mother's Day

Is there anyone more deserving of a holiday than moms? We don't think so. Moms do everything: They work, they cook, they clean, they take care of us when we're sick and when we're well, and they love us unconditionally. In fact, if mothers were paid for all of their efforts, they would make over $60,000 a year. However, motherhood is unpaid labor, so a holiday will have to suffice. Oh, you didn't know moms' labor is worth $30 an hour? Well then, there's probably a lot you don't know about Mother's Day.

For the 12 Things You Didn't Know About Mother's Day Gallery, click here.

Though this mid-spring holiday is a fairly undramatic affair these days, Mother's Day actually has a pretty dark backstory. After lobbying for years to honor moms across the United States with their own holiday, Mother's Day founder Anna Jarvis grew to hate the over-commercialization of the occasion. She actually even tried to get Mother's Day rescinded. Obviously, she was unsuccessful.

Today, that history is largely forgotten. Instead, children and fathers spend billions of dollars on jewelry, extravagant brunches, and other gifts for the mothers in their life. Want to know how much they spend? Well, you'll have to check out these 12 things you didn't know about Mother's Day.