10 Things You Didn't Know About Craft Beer

For beer newbies, steering away from comfortable classics like Sam Adams and dabbling in craft beers with names you've never heard of can be intimidating. There's plenty that sets craft beers apart from classic ales.

10 Things You Didn't Know About Craft Beer (Slideshow)

Even beer connoisseurs can learn a few things about their favorite alcoholic drink, like what exactly a "craft brewer" is: The Brewer's Association defines an American craft brewer as a small, independent, and traditional producer of beer. Craft breweries are small in production size, independent in ownership, and traditional in brewing ingredients and fermentation methods.

While individual breweries only produce a limited number of barrels of beer per year, it might surprise you to learn that in 2013, there were a total of 2,822 craft breweries in the United States. We bet you didn't know that President Barack Obama has also joined the ranks of American home brewers.

Whether you're a new beer drinker or an expert, we're sure you can learn a little something more about craft beer. 

See more facts about craft beer.

Haley Willard is Today Meal's assistant editor. Follow her on Twitter @haleywillrd.

This post was originally published on September 16, 2014