10 Signs You Are Addicted To Hosting

During the 2013 Emmys,the cast of CBS' How I Met Your Mother brought a very serious issue to light. Those who suffer from EHD, Excessive Hosting Disorder, do not have to suffer in silence any longer.

This hilarious skit showed the cast poking fun at their co-star and host of the 2013 Emmy's, Neil Patrick Harris, since the event marked his third round of hosting an awards ceremony. The fake PSA showed the cast worriedly commenting on Harris' random "hosting attacks," where he bursts into fits of hosting, complete with a portable collapsing microphone and a hula hoop he can set ablaze on cue. The parody ends on a golden note, suggesting sufferers of EHD (and Harris) check into the "Ryan Seacrest Center for Excessive Hosting," topped off with an appearance by the ultimate host, Arsenio Hall.

At Today Meal we have to confess: we are EHD suffers too. If there is a dinner party, we'll plan it. A school bake sale? We'll host it. Baby shower? Bridal Shower? Is that all you got?! Here are some signs you may need to check into hosting rehab:

1. You have a pantry stocked with party essentials.
2. You can pull together an artisan cheese board in less than three minutes.
3. Your calendar alarms on your iPhone are constantly buzzing with party reminders.
4. You've planned your best friend's bridal shower and bachelorette party... and they aren't even engaged.
5. You have no less than 33 party planning apps.
6. You exceeded your evite outbox twice this month.
7. You aren't sure what the definition of "low-key affair" is.
8. You've hosted so many events, you have 365 signature cocktails.
9. You can think of at least 40 themes to apply to any life event.
10. You can, and do, DIY everything.