10 Iconic Italian Dishes Everyone Should Be Able To Make

All over the world, Italian cuisine has made its mark. From fettuccine alfredo to chicken parmigiana, Italian dishes are consumed and enjoyed in many countries outside of Italy. In fact, some of the most famous "Italian" dishes were inspired and perfected outside of Italy. If you're thinking of cooking dinner for yourself or your family this evening, an Italian dish may have crossed your mind. We've prepared a mouth-watering list of the 10 most iconic Italian and Italian-American dishes that should be on your dinner list in the days ahead.

The 10 Iconic Italian Dishes Everyone Should Know How to Make (Slideshow)

You can't go wrong with a classic Italian-American favorite like spaghetti with meatballs — a dish most everyone at the table can agree upon. If you're looking for something more decadent, you might want to try the Classic Carbonara with Pancetta Recipe, or this rich and delicious Fettucine Alfredo Recipe. Whatever the occasion requires, there is an Italian dish here that is sure to make everyone in your home happy.

Not every night can be devoted to a new cooking project. If you're short on time and are looking for a quick and easy meal, dishes like Pasta Bolognese or Pasta Primavera are unbeatable and classic favorites. Click on the slideshow to learn more about the most important centerpieces of your Italian fare.

Whatever your preference may be, these 10 dishes are sure to satisfy even the most discerning of tastes. You never know, there may be a few dishes here that you've never heard of before.

Jonathan Hirsch is the Cook Editor for Today Meal. Follow him on twitter @jonathanihirsch.